ラグビーワールドカップ2015で世界トップ10を目指す日本代表の指揮官が、自身のラグビー観や代表の現状、そして「JAPAN WAY」とは何か? をファンの皆様に向けて語ります。



トップリーグの開幕戦となったパナソニック ワイルドナイツ対東芝ブレイブルーパス戦では、何人かの日本代表選手が主となり、激闘の試合となりました。日本代表選手たちがインターナショナルプレーヤーらしくプレーし、良い習慣を身に付け、トップリーグのレベルを上げることが重要です。



Eddie Jones

- Eddie's "JAPAN WAY"- 2014 August

A new season in Japan Rugby culminating in the Rugby World Cup 2015 where we play South Africa on September 19th in Brighton.

So everything we do now is geared towards the peak performance in the Rugby World Cup. Our national squad players have started rugby in the Top League and University practice games. The Panasonic Wildknights-Toshiba Brave Lupus game was a good contestable game of rugby, featuring a number of national team squad players. It is important our squad players play like test players to create good habits and help raise the level of Top League. Top League is very slow compared to Test Rugby – 50m/min in Top League compared to Test Rugby 70-80m/min.

We need to improve this! The Teikyo Univ. - Waseda Univ. game in Sugadaira for 30 minutes was an excellent contest – fast, physical and skillful. However, the drop-off after 30 minutes was massive with Teikyo careering away with Nagare, Sakate being prominent.

A good start to Rugby World Cup year!

Eddie Jones