ラグビーワールドカップ2015で世界トップ10を目指す日本代表の指揮官が、自身のラグビー観や代表の現状、そして「JAPAN WAY」とは何か? をファンの皆様に向けて語ります。



この試合で私たちは規律を保ち、フィジカルにタフに戦いました。特に5週間に及ぶトレーニングを終えたばかりで疲労が蓄積した中での試合だっただけに、選手たちの戦いぶりを喜んでいます。世界トップ10 入りという私たちの目標の達成は常に最優先事項です。


 私たちは勝つつもりで準備をしており、JAPAN WAYを貫くことで、勝てると信じています。この目標を達成することは容易ではないのは承知の上です。大きな事を成し遂げるには苦労はつきものです。そこに近道はありません。

Eddie Jones

- Eddie's "JAPAN WAY"- 2013 May

We have managed to win the HSBC Asian 5 Nations this season with comprehensive victories against the Philippines, Hong Kong and Korea.
Hong Kong were a well coached team. They did everything on the edge of the law to slow the game down, did not allow us to take quick penalties and attacked our breakdown and Hiwasa - It was by far our best performance under my guidance in the A5N, because of the tactical effort by Hong Kong.
We were disciplined, physical and tough. I’m particularly pleased for the players as we have just completed a 5 week pre-season training so the players have be carrying the stress of fatigue going into games. Our goal of getting into the Top 10 remains our highest priority.
To do it, we must keep improving our physical condition. A job well done so far but the physicality speed and decision-making takes on a quantum leap for the PNC and Wales. We will prepare to win, and believe we can, playing the Japan Way. It will not be easy, but then anything that is good is very, very hard. There are no shortcuts.

Eddie Jones